Bathroom design, similar to that of the kitchen, has completely evolved over the past few years. What was once a compact space to be hushed away under the stairs has progressed to become an in-home retreat that allows you to escape the business and noise of everyday life. Our Toronto team at The House of Interior Design recognizes the value in creating a spa-like experience at home; allowing you to easily, and privately, release all that which no longer serves you.
The House of Interior Design believes in open communication, complete transparency, and full trust. By exploring your experiences, tastes, and passions, we will develop a well-thought out approach to create a unique bathroom that is no longer an obligatory place to maintain personal hygiene, but a privileged space to disconnect and pamper yourself. By incorporating ancient sacred design principles, we will also ensure that these spaces are intentionally created in harmony with Mother Earth and the cosmic laws.
Our Bathroom Interior Design Service team carefully considers every detail to ensure your bathroom is not only functional, but sustainable and alluring. We think long term: timeless and eco friendly fixtures that can withstand the high moisture environment. Meticulous choice of high quality materials that are easy to clean, maintain, and access. Maximizing the available space for discretion and effortless flow. These details are considered for both today and tomorrow, when your family is bigger and you a bit older.
Are you ready to breathe new life into your bathroom? Contact our Bathroom Interior Design Service in Toronto today to create an exceptional bathroom that combines both beauty and functionality.
Based in Toronto, Ontario, the House of Interior Design offers residential and commercial consultation and design services. We work by combining functional and beautiful design with ancient, sacred design principles and modern technology. Our creative and innovative team is passionate about bringing you an authentic and collaborative interior design experience, resulting in creating one of a kind spaces that are in alignment with your wants, needs, and budget.